Niemeyer factory as dream location for startups and scale-ups

The Niemeyer Factory is gaining attention as the dream location for startups and scaleups, according to Yes! Digital and NOO entrepreneurs. 

These entrepreneurs see the place as more than just bricks and mortar, but a space to meet, get inspired and grow.

Check the LinkedIn article (in Dutch) of Yes! Digital here.

Challenges in the Tight Office Market

The entrepreneurs see challenges due to limited availability of office space. Startups and scale-ups face numerous challenges securing small and not-too-long-term leases in Groningen. The tightening office supply in the city worsens these challenges, impacting startups, scale-ups, and creatives alike. Currently, the companies are scattered throughout the city. Entrepreneurs do not have a space where they are together, no place for organised and casual meetings. This ‘scatteredness’ leads to less growth and innovation of companies according to the Yes! Digital post. 

What did the entrepreneurs say?

The reposts and comments under the article show that there’s a need and a want from the entrepreneurs. “Niemeyer Factory can become a location that allows many things to come together, digitalization, sustainable business, learning, creativity and innovation,” according to Jeroen Bos from Bossers & Cnossen. 

“Groningen deserves to show the rest of the Netherlands where to go to look into the future,” he says. 

A place like this pushes for more talent in the region. Bas Krijgsman, co-founder of Let’s Get Digital expressed “This could be the solution for all the students who go straight to the Randstad after finishing their studies and could provide a huge boost for talent retention in Groningen!”

Your input is needed! 

A place like the Niemeyer Factory can offer a long-term solution for entrepreneurs. A place where driven people can inspire one another and improve the ecosystem. You can help to make the Niemeyer Factory a location where startup, scale-ups and creatives thrive. Fill in this form  to give your input.